Aanand L Rai, who has recently wrapped up the shooting for his upcoming film, Atrangi Re, along with Sara Ali Khan, Dhanush, and Akshay Kumar. The trio had been sharing pictures and videos from the sets and have left the fans excited for their first collaboration. However, shooting in these COVID-19 times is certainly a huge task and a lot of people so far have been affected by it. The latest addition to the list in Aanand L Rai, who took to his social media to announce the news.
He wrote, “I have tested covid positive today. Just wanted to inform everyone that I don’t feel any symptoms & I feel fine. I’m quarantining as instructed by authorities. Anyone who has come in contact with me recently is advised to quarantine & follow d govt protocols. Thank you for support”. The director had also attended the Atrangi Re wrap up party a couple of days ago and the people around him have been advised to stay quarantined.
I have tested covid positive today.Just wanted to inform everyone that I don’t feel any symptoms & I feel fine. I’m quarantining as instructed by authorities.Anyone wh has come in contact with me recently is advised to quarantine & follow d govt protocols.Thank you for support????
— Aanand L Rai (@aanandlrai) December 31, 2020
Get well soon, Aanand L Rai.
Also Read: Aanand L. Rai’s next directorial to be a biopic of Indian chess grandmaster Viswanathan Anand
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