Earlier this year, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas became parents as they welcomed their daughter via surrogacy. The couple made the announcement via Instagram. Ever since their little one came home, the couple has been at their Los Angeles home taking care of their daughter. Recently, Priyanka's mother Madhu Chopra revaled that she has not met her granddaughter yet given the concerns around the baby's health and the COVID-19 situation.
During an interaction with ETimes, Madhu Chopra answered a question about Priyanka's daughter. "I haven't seen her. I am here and she is in LA. We do Facetime once in a while. I think she is happy and joyous. This is all I can say for now. But maybe when I go and meet her in the middle of the year, I will be able to answer this better."
Madhu also said that she is waiting and hoping for her granddaughter to come to India. “I am always hoping. Never say never. It's her country, she could come," she added.
Sharing her joy of becoming a grandmother, Madhu said, "It's so joyful! I can't tell you how my heart just goes...I think it's something that I have been waiting for, for a very long time. It has happened now and I cannot conceal my happiness. I don't even remember Priyanka and my son anymore. All I think about is the little one."
While making the announcement of the birth of their child, Priyanka and Nick took to their social media handle and wrote, "We are overjoyed to confirm that we have welcomed a baby via surrogate. We respectfully ask for privacy during these special times as we focus on our family. Thank you so much." While the couple did not reveal the gender of the child, Priyanka's cousin Meera Chopra had confirmed that they had a baby girl.
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