Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez appeared before Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Monday after fresh summons were initiated against her. The actress was reportedly grilled for 8 hours by ED in the conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar case. Jacqueline Fernandez flew to the capital to record her statement after the ED issued summons for a new round of questioning.
The actress was accused of having a connection with the infamous conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar and it was alleged that about Rs. 7.27 crores of funds were seized from the actress in the name of proceeds of crime. The actress has been previously questioned thrice in the same case under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).
According to a report in News 18 earlier, a fixed deposit worth Rs. 7.12 crore has been attached to Jacqueline Fernandez' name. Infact, the ED estimated that Sukesh gifted gifts "worth Rs 5.71 crore to Jacqueline using the extortion money. It is also said that Sukesh gave funds close to $173,000 and around 27,000 Australian dollars to a few close members of Jacqueline’s family."
In Sukesh Chandrasekhar’s statement recorded under Section 50 of the PMLA (Prevention of Money Laundering Act), Sukesh had said that he gave as many as 15 pairs of earrings, five Birkin bags, and other luxury goods from Chanel, Gucci to the actor. The conman also claimed that he gifted Jacqueline Fernandez Cartier bangles and rings and a bracelet by Tiffany & Co. in addition to Rolex watches. He also gave Jacqueline Fernandez jewellery worth Rs 7 crore and gifted her a horse called 'Espuelah'.
In addition, Sukesh Chandrashekhar also extended a loan of USD 150,000 to Jacqueline Fernandez's sister, who lives in the US. He also gave her a BMW X5 car and gifted Jacqueline Fernandez's parents a Maserati and her mother in Bahrain a Porsche. He also extended a loan of USD 50,000 to her brother in Australia.
In its charge sheet, the Delhi Police has accused Sukesh Chandrasekhar and 13 others of duping the wife of the former promoter of Ranbaxy to the tune of Rs 200 crore. Officials believe Chandrasekhar extorted Rs. 200 crore from the complainant by claiming that he would facilitate her husband's release from prison.
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