Karan Johar, who is not only known for his films but also his fashion and style, has always been one of the most beloved hosts for Bollywood parties. The filmmaker has joined hands with friend and celebrity designer Gauri Khan to design rooms and nursery for his twins in the past. And now, the filmmaker took to social media to share a sneak peek of his home and also posed with Gauri Khan for a special edition of Architectural Digest India. Karan Johar turns cover star for the latest edition of Architectural Digest India wherein we will get to see a glimpse of the filmmaker’s bachelor pad. Sharing photos of his lounge area to his lavish basin to dining area, the actor also shared some excerpts from the magazine in his caption. It read, “This home is bespoke; it’s one of a kind. It is designed to reflect who Karan is: glamorous, fun, and also a little over the top! It’s not a space that can be imitated,” says interior designer Gauri Khan (@gaurikhan). Knowing Karan’s largesse and his love for entertaining, Gauri wanted the home to serve as a seamless extension of his personality, where guests could make themselves comfortable from the get-go. It further explained about his home adding, “The main entryway wall is clad in a dramatic, fluted, black-and-white ‘panda’ marble that lines the passageway into a light-filled living room, the tall, arched French windows open onto a serene terrace—Karan's favourite spot—dotted with tropical plants, where he can enjoy his coffee. Both Karan and Gauri also admit to an affinity for the powder room—during the day, the sunlight filters in, reflecting off the glossy surfaces—which Khan accented with a statement turbine light, a vanity with marble horse-head detail, and a forest-green wall. While Gauri has used a medley of richer tones for the public areas, for Karan’s private spaces—his dressing room, bedroom, and bathroom—she adopted a softer palette of beiges, muted metal tones, and wooden herringbone floors, while still keeping some distinctive threads to tie in the entire design story.” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Karan Johar (@karanjohar) On the work front, Karan Johar will be returning to direction after seven years with Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani. The film will bring together the Gully Boy couple Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt along with Jaya Bachchan, Dharmendra, and Shabana Azmi playing pivotal roles. The film will be slated for release on July 28. Also Read: Karan Johar’s birthday wish for “brave and resilient” mother Hiroo Johar is priceless dump of throwback pics
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