Salman Khan and Sanjay Dutt not only played brothers on screen but the duo are also expected to be close friends in real life. In the recent show Aap Ki Adalat, which was held in Dubai, Salman opened up about his camaraderie with Sanjay Dutt and how the latter addresses him as ‘Bhaijaan’. The actor recalled a memory about how once Dutt tried to convince him for marriage and even enacted the whole incident on the show.
Readers would be aware that the marriage of Salman Khan has been a popular subject not just among his friends but also his fans. The actor revealed that from his family to industry colleagues, many have tried to convince him about getting married. Opening up about the time Dutt had this conversation with Salman, the Sultan actor said, “You should get married Bhaijaan. You don’t know its amazing to be married. When you come home, tired after a day’s work, your wife will ask you, ‘how was your day, did anyone irritate you, did you have fun, are you tired, I’ll get you some water, have a drink’. You should get married yaa Bhaijaan… all this bachelorhood is all bakwaas and bullshit.” As he continued to enact the way ‘Baba’ was giving him this lecture, Salman also constantly looked over, pretending the way the actor reacted when his wife was constantly calling, ‘Arre wait yaar’.
In the same breath, Salman also recalled the time when Sanjay Dutt called him from the latter’s third ‘phera’.
For the unversed, Sanjay Dutt was first married to Richa Sharma and after her demise, the actor tied the knot with Rhea Pillai. However, his second marriage too ended in divorce, and later, the actor settled down with Manayata Dutt in 2008. The actor has one daughter with Richa Sharma, Trishala Dutt, and later had two kids with Manayata, Iqra and Shahraan Dutt.
Also Read: Bromance alert: Salman Khan poses with Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan co-stars, Jassie Gill, Raghav Juyal, & Siddharth Nigam; see post
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