The ongoing IPL 2023 has doting wife Anushka Sharma accompanying her husband Virat Kohli for his matches and the duo are currently in the beautiful city of Bengaluru. While Anushka has maintained that she shares a special bond with the city owing to her memories attached with it, Virat plays for RCB aka Royal Challengers Bangalore. The couple were recently spending some quality time together at an eatery but soon were disrupted with a mob surrounding them.
In a video that found its way online, Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma, accompanied by their tight security, were seen enjoying a lunch date at a popular eatery in Bengaluru. But the video also captures how the situation turned chaotic as fans eagerly awaited the exit of the two celebrities to get clicked with them. Despite massive bouncers and security guards, fans were trying to make their way through to get near to the celebrities and one of the male fans managed to breach the security line and ended up getting too close to Anushka Sharma. Moreover, the fan was seen trying to block her way towards the car which left Virat fuming over the former’s behaviour. Here, have a look at the video:
Virat Kohli got mobbed in Bengaluru ????❤️???? after lunch date with Anushka nd family . — `` (@KohlifiedGal) April 22, 2023
Followed by this, many netizens reacted to the video and came in support of the celebrities, requesting fans to respect their privacy, especially in public places. “Feel bad for stars when they get mobbed like this. Especially when out for family outings. They looked genuinely scared as they walked out,” commented one of them. Yet another user added, “Isn't it a common sense that people shouldn't cross their limits. I think even a common people would behave the same way if one cross their limits and harasses this way everywhere they go. And also how jobless are people to keep doing this for celebrities”. Another one said, “Really shame on the so called fans, you are fan of his Game give me and his family space have some self respect.”
On the work front, while Virat Kohli is busy with the ongoing IPL, Anushka Sharma is gearing up for the release of Chakda Xpress based on the life of female cricketer Jhulan Goswami.
Also Read: Anushka Sharma, Virat Kohli, and Faf du Plessis strike goofy pose, see picture
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