Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan brought a touch of glamour to the Formula 1 Monaco Grand Prix 2023 through her attendance. She had taken off to Europe where she was seen attending the practice session of Monaco F1 Grand Prix on Saturday, May 28. The actress was also seen bonding with former cricketer Yuvraj Singh and the two of them seem to be exploring F1 racetrack and even bonding over food. Pictures of the same surfaced online as fanclubs of the actress couldn’t stop swooning over her swagger. Now, Kareena shared a fresh set of pictures from her visit.
On Monday, Kareena took to her Instagram and shared a series of pictures from Monaco. The photographs captured Kareena gracefully posing in Puma's black athleisure attire, which she complemented with a black coat and white shoes. The actress exuded elegance with her minimal makeup and a sleek bun hairstyle. The addition of a vibrant red lip colour enhanced her sporty yet formal look, making her appear even more stunning.
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Following her appearance in Laal Singh Chaddha alongside Aamir Khan, which released on August 11, 2022, and subsequently arrived on Netflix on October 6, 2022, Kareena Kapoor Khan has been busy with multiple projects. One of her upcoming ventures is the adaptation of ‘The Devotion of Suspect X,’ where she shares the screen with talented actors Vijay Varma and Jaideep Ahlawat. Directed by Sujoy Ghosh, the film promises to offer an intriguing and suspenseful storyline.
Furthermore, Kareena has recently completed filming for an untitled project helmed by acclaimed director Hansal Mehta. The details about this film, including its title and plot, are yet to be revealed, creating anticipation among her fans. Currently, Kareena is engrossed in shooting for The Crew alongside renowned actresses Tabu and Kriti Sanon. This project has generated excitement among movie enthusiasts due to its star-studded cast.
Also Read: Kareena Kapoor Khan delights fans with “Goa Night” selfie featuring red lip look
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