Ask SRK: Shah Rukh Khan on Salman Khan sporting new buzz cut: “Salman bhai ko mujhe pyaar dikhaane ke liye koi look nahi karna padhta”
With less than two weeks left before the release of Jawan, the buzz around the Shah Rukh Khan starrer is on an all-time high. Also starring Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi in pivotal roles, it is reported that SRK plays a double role in the movie. While the prevue was launched already, fans have been eagerly awaiting the trailer launch. The two songs ‘Zinda Banda’ and ‘Chaleya’, released in three languages, have also intrigued the audiences whereas the third song ‘Not Ramaiya Vastavaiya’ will be out soon. As the hype for the film is increasing by the day, the actor took to Twitter on Saturday to hold a Q&A session.
During the #AskSRK session, one fan asked the actor about Salman Khan, who is sporting buzz cut these days. The Twitter user wrote, “@iamsrk sir Salman bhai ka latest look bata rha hai ki wo jawan ka promotion kar rhe kya ye sach hai #asksrk (Salman’s latest look seems to be a promotion for Jawan, is this true?)."
To this, Shah Rukh replied, “Salman bhai ko mujhe pyaar dikhaane ke liye koi look nahi karna padhta….woh dil se hi mujhe hamesha pyaar karte hain…bas keh diya so keh diya (Salman doesn’t need to look differently to show love for me… he loves me from his heart. There, I said it)!"
Salman bhai ko mujhe pyaar dikhaane ke liye koi look nahi karna padhta….woh dil se hi mujhe hamesha pyaar karte hain…bas keh diya so keh diya!! — Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) August 26, 2023
A day ago, it was also reported that the makers plan to hold a grand audio launch of Jawan in Chennai on August 30, 2023. It is being reported that Shah Rukh Khan will join his co-star Nayanthara and director Atlee Kumar in Chennai for the event. It is also a special occasion as the country will be celebrating the festival of Raksha Bandhan. It is also said that music composer Anirudh Ravichander will be in attendance and fans can expect a grand audio launch event.
Jawan is a Red Chillies Entertainment presentation directed by Atlee, produced by Gauri Khan, and co-produced by Gaurav Verma. The film will be released worldwide in theatres on September 7, 2023, in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu languages. ALSO READ: Ask SRK: Shah Rukh Khan calls Jawan "a film about women made for men"; speaks on nailing the bald look, faces of justice in Atlee film, shooting experience and more
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