In a recent Instagram post, Priyanka Chopra Jonas sent her best wishes to her cousin and actor, Parineeti Chopra, a day before her wedding to Aam Aadmi Party leader Raghav Chadha in Udaipur on Sunday. The post suggests that Priyanka may not be able to attend the wedding in person, as she is currently in Los Angeles, US.
Priyanka shared a picture of Parineeti on her Instagram account, with the caption "I hope you are happy and content as this on your big day little one…always wishing you so much love. #newbeginnings."
Earlier, it was reported that Priyanka would be attending the wedding with her daughter Malti Marie, while her husband Nick Jonas would give it a miss. However, Priyanka's mother Madhu Chopra has already joined her family for the celebrations.
Priyanka had attended Parineeti and Raghav's engagement ceremony, which took place on May 13 in New Delhi's Kapurthala House. She flew down to the capital and was seen performing all the rituals of a sister during the ceremony.
The pre-wedding festivities for Parineeti and Raghav's wedding began on Saturday, with a welcome lunch for guests. The wedding itself will take place on Sunday evening, followed by a Bollywood-themed party.
Also Read: RagNeeti Wedding: After Sufi night, here’s how Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha proceeded to Rajasthan for their wedding
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