adidas Originals has launched a new campaign that cements the Trefoil as a cultural pioneer by teaming up with Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh. Since it was first introduced to the world over 50 years ago, the Trefoil has lived a thousand lifetimes, trading feet with everyone, from athletes to cultural pioneers. Marking the arrival of a new era for the brand, in 2023, adidas Originals pays homage to those that have continued to transport its iconic signifier – the Trefoil – to the forefront of culture, over and over again, with a new global brand platform: “We Gave the World an Original. You Gave Us a Thousand Back.”
From sports to skating, music, and fashion, Originals have always stood the test of time. Against the backdrop of three timeless ‘characters’ from the storied Three Stripes archive – the Superstar, the Gazelle, and the Samba, each of the three main global campaign films spotlights a different silhouette, as the narratives of the Trefoil’s history are interwoven with the ways in which these iconic styles, born in sport, have been embraced, reinterpreted, and absorbed into culture - time and time again. Featuring partners, collaborators, and friends of the brand that have helped to tell the story of the Trefoil the world over, superstar Ranveer Singh leads the campaign narrative for India alongside global counterparts Zinedine Zidane, David Beckham, Jenna Ortega, Pusha T to name a few.
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The film opens with superstar Ranveer Singh in a reflective mood as he says, “As far back as I remember, I have always wanted to be an actor”.
This sets the tone for a heartfelt exploration of his journey of becoming an actor, and how the three stripes have always been a part of this journey. As he recollects nostalgic moments and shares his candid thoughts, he also emphasizes the importance of staying connected to one's roots and never losing sight of where he came from, of always being an original. Through intimate camerawork that focuses on interesting techniques including fluid cinematography, movement and close-up shots, the narrative takes viewers up-close and personal with superstar Ranveer on his journey of truly becoming an Original. ALSO READ: Ranveer Singh, India’s First Ducati Ambassador, sets stage ablaze at MotoGP Bharat 2023
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