Former Indian cricket star Yuvraj Singh and Bollywood actress Hazel Keech are rejoicing as their family has expanded with the introduction of a new member. The couple recently celebrated the birth of a baby girl, adding to the warmth of their household that already included their son, Orion Keech Singh. Now, Yuvraj Singh and Hazel Keech recently shared a heartwarming moment as they celebrated their daughter Aura's four-month milestone. The proud parents took to Instagram to post an adorable picture of their little one.
In the photo, baby Aura, dressed in a cozy brown warmer set, captivated hearts. With a pacifier in her mouth and a cute hairband, the four-month-old looked charming. Hazel Keech expressed her joy and love in the caption, saying, “Four months of you baby girl. Four months since this one stole whatever was left of my heart… four months of this beautiful Aura with her soulful eyes. Four months since my eye bags double as did the love in my heart #daughter #mothersunconditionallove #blessing.”
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The celebrity couple has been sharing glimpses of their family life on social media, offering fans a peek into their joyous journey with two children. Earlier this year, they welcomed Aura, and their posts have been a delightful mix of parenting moments and the love they share for their adorable kids.
For the unversed, Hazel and Yuvraj's journey began when they exchanged their vows in a lavish Punjabi wedding ceremony in 2016. Since then, their love story has continued to flourish, now punctuated with the joyous cries of their two precious children. As they bask in the glow of parenthood once more, the couple's fans and well-wishers are showering them with best wishes.
Also Read: Hazel Keech offers a peek into her little princess Aura, along with a heartfelt message; see picture
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