Nanya Naveli Nanda, the granddaughter of veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan, gave her followers a candid glimpse into her everyday life through her latest Instagram story. On Tuesday, Navya shared a picture showcasing the juggle of work and commuting.
Navya’s Instagram story showed a scene from the outskirts of Faridabad, where she had to make a brief halt to engage in a work commitment. She was dressed in a brown sweater and was seen staring at her laptop screen placed atop a car for a workstation. The image evoked memories of a famous scene from the 2011 film Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara, where Hrithik Roshan's character had to attend a meeting during a road trip with friends. Navya's added a humorous caption that read, “When commuting overlaps with meetings. Moshi Moshi.” Following this, she also shared a still from the film ZNMD featuring Hrithik Roshan. The text along with the image read, “Dheere Dheere samjh aaraha hai Arjun vacation pe virtual meeting kyun kar raha tha.”
Navya Naveli Nanda is the daughter of Shweta Bachchan Nanda and businessman Nikhil Nanda. Navya Naveli Nanda is the granddaughter of legendary actors Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan.
Despite not being directly involved in the film industry, Navya has gained attention due to her association with the prominent Bollywood family. She has pursued her education abroad and is known for her modern and independent outlook. Navya is active on social media, where she shares glimpses of her life and engages with her followers. While she is not a public figure in the traditional sense, her familial connections and occasional public appearances have made her a subject of interest among Bollywood enthusiasts.
Also Read: Navya Naveli Nanda radiates effortless chic in cozy bonfire night snap; see post
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