Filmmaker and actor Rishab Shetty has raised the bar for the Indian entertainment industry in the year 2022 with his film Kantara. The film received widespread acclaim on both domestic and international levels, and it dominated the box office by becoming the global box office phenomenon. Amidst the preparation for the prequel of Kantara, Rishab Shetty along with his wife Pragathi Shetty graced the grand celebration of Pran Pratishtha Mahotasav in divine land of Ayodhaya on being invited by the Indian Government.
It is well known that the day of January 22, 2024 was a historic day for the entire nation as everyone witnessed the return of Lord Ram to the Ayodhya and a temple and idol of Lord Rama was unveiled during the occasion which was graced by several names from the Indian entertainment industry and among them was Rishab Shetty, his wife Pragathi Shetty and Rohit Shetty.
Among the on-going ceremony, director Rohit Shetty met Rishab Shetty and his wife Pragathi Shetty and clicked a picture with them during the function. Rishab Shetty shared the picture on the social media with the caption that read, “Brother from another mother....The 'Shetty' gang @rishabshettyofficial.”
Meanwhile, Rishab Shetty is looking forward to taking the audiences back to its roots and culture with the prequel Kantara Chapter 1. The actor who served as director and writer, now has begun working on the much-awaited prequel Kantara: Chapter 1.
Also Read: Rohit Shetty reveals ‘breaking bones’ runs in his family; recalls his mother playing body-double to Hema Malini and Vyjayantimala
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