Veteran actor Rituraj Singh, known for his remarkable performances in daily soaps and Bollywood films, passed away at his home early Tuesday due to a cardiac arrest leaving the entertainment industry and his fans mourning his demise. According to reports from ETimes, the 59-year-old actor had been battling a pancreatic disease and was hospitalized after suffering a cardiac arrest. Tragically, he succumbed to his condition. Amid the condolences, a throwback picture featuring Rituraj Singh and Shah Rukh Khan has resurfaced online, reigniting memories from their days at Barry John's TAG (Theatre Action Group).
The black and white photos captured a young Shah Rukh Khan alongside Rituraj Singh, Divya Seth, and Deepika Amin, who were part of the esteemed theatre group founded by Barry John in 1993 in Delhi.
The poignant image, initially shared by Rituraj Singh in 2019, resurfaced in November 2022, on Shah Rukh Khan's birthday. In his post, Singh nostalgically reminisced, "Four Musketeers before their Dreams came True & they moved to (the then Bombay, now Mumbai). On a Train (of Thought) Acting in TAG: Theatre Action Group."
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Yesterday, actor Amit Behl revealed to Indian Express that Rituraj Singh breathed his last at 12:30 am. He explained, “He was unwell. Was hospitalised 15 days back due to some pancreatic issues. Was back home few days back, but yesterday was feeling really weak and they rushed him to hospital. But he got the attack before reaching hospital.”
Rituraj Singh's illustrious career spanned various television shows, including Banegi Apni Baat, Jyoti, Hitler Didi, Shapath, Warrior High, Aahat, and Adaalat, among others. He gained widespread acclaim for his role in the hit show Anupamaa. He was also seen alongside Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt in the movie Badrinath Ki Dulhania.
Also Read: Rituraj Singh, Varun Dhawan’s co-star in Badrinath Ki Dulhania, passes away due to cardiac arrest at 59
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