With Shah Rukh Khan returning as the host, the IIFA Awards 2024 which was held on Friday, September 28 was grand affair with some of the biggest names from the film industry in attendance. The ceremony saw Vicky Kaushal hosting along with SRK for the first time and later, they were also joined by Karan Johar for a brief segment where the trio ended up dancing to the beats of Jhoome Jo Pathaan.
Meanwhile, speaking of the award wins Animal won big with six awards whereas other popular films like Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani, the sleeper hit 12th Fail, and the blockbuster Jawan also ended up getting up a couple of awards.
Here is the complete list of winners:
Best Film Animal
Best Actor Shah Rukh Khan - Jawan
Best Actress Rani Mukerji - Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway
Best Director Vidhu Vinod Chopra - 12th Fail
Best Supporting Actor Anil Kapoor - Animal
Best Supporting Actress Shabana Azmi - Rocky Rani Kii Prem Kahaani
Best Actor in Negative Role Bobby Deol - Animal
Best Story Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani
Best Story (Adapted) 12th Fail
Best Music Animal
Best Lyrics Siddharth-Garima - ‘Satranga’, Animal
Best Singer - Male Bhupinder Babbal, Arjan Valley - Animal
Best Singer Female Shilpa Rao - ‘Chaleya’, Jawan
Outstanding Contribution to Indian Cinema Jayantilal Gada, Hema Malini
Achievement on completing 25 years in cinema Karan Johar
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