Amid rumours of his alleged breakup with Malaika Arora, Arjun Kapoor may have sealed his relationship status recently by making an honest confession at an event. The actor, who was often seen making appearances with Arora, has been making solo appearances of late. Furthermore, many reports have allegedly claimed that the couple parted ways this year, although, neither of the party opened up about the same. However, for fans rooting for the couple, well, Arjun recently confessed that ‘he is single’ on camera.
Readers would be aware that Arjun Kapoor is currently busy with the promotion of Singham Again which promises to feature in a never-seen-before avatar of a menacing antagonist. The actor was seen attending a Diwali event where he was interacting with the paparazzi. During the same, amid cameramen asking about Malaika’s whereabouts and the host addressing him as ‘tall and handsome’, Arjun decided to share an honest response about his relationship status. “Nahi Nahi Abhi Single Hoon, Relax Karo”, he told to the media cheering.
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For the unversed, Malaika Arora and Arjun Kapoor began dating in 2018 and it was being said that the couple even shifted to the same building to stay close to each other. While they have never shied away from media and have talked about their relationship, reports of them breaking up started surfacing last year. However, the couple have never addressed the same directly as yet. Despite their rocky relationship, Arjun did stand by Malaika when the latter lost her father to suicide earlier this year.
On the work front, Arjun Kapoor was seen promoting his film Singham Again which will have Ajay Devgn in the lead role along with Kareena Kapoor Khan as the leading lady. The film will also see Tiger Shroff, Akshay Kumar, Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone in key roles. It is slated for release this Diwali, on November 1.
Also Read: Photos: Ajay Devgn, Rohit Shetty, Tiger Shroff and Arjun Kapoor snapped at Raj Thackeray’s house
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