While her films are garnering attention, Ananya Panday has grabbed the eyeballs of netizens on the special occasion of her birthday for a personal reason. After reportedly breaking up with Aditya Roy Kapur, the new love interest in her life is said to be an international model named Walker Blanco. The couple came into limelight during the Ambani wedding, and a recent post of Blanco wishing his ‘Annie’ aka Ananya on her birthday may have been sealed the deal for audiences on social media.
For the unversed, Ananya Panday is celebrating her 26th birthday on October 30 and amid wishes that are pouring for our beloved Gen Z star, one special note that has grabbed attention is that of Walker Blanco. The international model, who is said to have met Ananya Panday during the high-profile wedding of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, took to the social media platform Instagram where he dedicated a special story for ‘Annie’. Sharing a casual photo of Ananya from what seems like a restaurant, he wrote, “Happy Birthday Beautiful!!! You are so special (smiley emoji) I love you Annieee <3”. This post has definitely garnered attention from her social media fam, who believe that Walker may have just confirmed his relationship with the Bollywood star.
Meanwhile, Ananya Panday too was recently questioned about her relationship status, wherein the actress maintained that while she cannot control the rumours, and hence would attempt to be nonchalant about things. "I’ve given up at this point. I’ve realized that the more I try to hide something or be sneaky, the more I get caught doing it. So. I’ve just let go now. Whatever! I don’t care now. I’m not trying to hide anything”, she told News18.
On the work front, Ananya Panday is basking in the rave reviews coming her way for the cyber thriller CTRL. The actress will soon be kicking off work on the historical drama based on C. Sankaran Nair, co-starring Akshay Kumar and R Madhavan.
Also Read: Ananya Panday answers frequently asked questions about her on Google: Tattoos, beauty secrets, and more! Watch
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